So, do you have a kilt?

9 answers in this topic
I, for myself, as posted in the photos, yes. It's a Royal Stewart tartan, present from a couple of friends of us, who were not using it anymore. I do wear it not only for hanging out at night but also, sometimes by day, and well, living in the Costa del Sol, is still a shock for some to see a man in a kilt, specially if hairy and bearded, lol.

But reactions are normally really cool, people seem to be highly kilt-friendly here.

Now your turn. Admirer or kilt owner?
leerrubmud64 yrs
I do have a kilt which I wear from time to time.
You really atrract all sorts of people but I get most of the time pleasant remarks.
It gives me a free feeling which i enjoy very much.
greetings to you all from holland, Hans
a member
I also have a kilt...full highland dress
a member
I have a kilt, bought it about 4 years ago. I wear it not often.
I wear it without underpants, but germany is not Spain,Italy or Greece.
It´s too cold here!!    
a member
Yes,Ido have a kilt the tartan being 'Cameron of Erracht ancient colors' this being my mothers family-tartan. Have had it for about 30 odd years and wear nothing but the future of Scotland underneath it!!!!! As for being cold in in the north "nea bother" If you've got a good one it should keep you pleasently comfortable, but then perhaps not for all. Ialso get great comments about the kilt especialy what Iwear under it all. But pleased to say I wear it with pride and comfort.     bye for now,  Raymond from Holland
At first I have waered a Kilt-Costume last year in carnival - and found it a very good feeling.
Outside I weared an undie and inside these undi went into my bag!

In this year - I had a short-trip to London - I remembered this feeling and bought me in ebay a real kilt - a model Gordon Tartan.
A lot of people asked me: "do you wear it like a real scottish man?"

What can we answer for such question? "will you have a lokk for it, or do you want to touch it"?
I like to have nice chatts and messages with other men, they wear kilts, and listen to their stories!

and if you want to visit me in gayromeo . . . kilt-rock-und-mehr !

edited once00
a member
got one kilt in traditional scottish pattern
ordered it from a women on the internet who makes them according your measurements so it fits great
and on a vacation i bought a utilikilt or something like that it s in olive green and looks a bit like a cargo pant but it s a great kilt
i tried it on in their shop and let them wrap up my jeans so i could walk all over town in the new utilikilt. incredibly free and easy feeling

i went to dance partys twice, wearing a kilt. and that was big fun !!!!
wonderful feeling to dance with complete freedom underneath

edited once00
a member
yes i do have a kilt and have worn it for many years i am a scotsman from edinburgh but i have lived in span for 24 tartan is the royal stewart on my mothers sid and i can wear the makintosh on my fathers que tengo kilt y desde hace escoces de edmburgo pero llevo 24 años viviendo en españa.tengo el clan royal stewart por parte de mi madre y makintosh por mi padre.saludos chicos
a member
Well guys after seeing this group and joining I ordered my first kilt from Utilikilt on 03/25/2009 and I can not wait till it arrives check out the UPS site today and found out it will be delivered on of all days04/01/2009. As soon as i can get it on and have a picture taken in it i will post. I have seen a couple of guy in the Tampa Bay area here in kilts from afar and have wanted to get one. Now i will be joining the group for real. Hugs and Kisses to all.
CowBoyBear USA
a member
hi gang. my new kilt came today it is the orginal in black from utilikilts and i think i am nver taking it off the freedom to be able to go out and about in it is almost like being nude. wll post pictures of me in it soon
hugs to all
cowboybear usa